Its like one of those images on the screen where the camera is focused on an individual sitting in a park or crowded city square and she is motionless as the figures around her swirl and dash here and there to create whirling flashes of color, as if untouched in the center of a tornado.
This semester has been very interesting for me. A lot of firsts. First calling as a teacher at church. First job on campus. First road trip with boys. First mission friend's wedding reception. First engagement of one of my mission companions. First Palio at BYU with the Italian club.
Recently, it seems like everyone is skipping the whole dating part of courtship and just going straight to the engagement and marriage part. There have been multiple people (for some reason most are from my mission) who have become engaged in the last few months after having dated for only a few weeks. Their engagements are longer than their dating time. I guess when you know its right there is no point in waiting any longer to start the rest of your life.
Sounds like a tornado to me. Every where you go there is another siren announcing the upcoming event and flashing glittery signals that something incredible will happen soon. Its happening all around you but you never actually experience it yourself. You can hear the clatter and delightful screams but it becomes faint with distance.
I've never been or seen an actual tornado. I've seen plenty of tornadoes here in the college town of Provo. Some of these tornadoes don't always involve shiny proposals. Actually a lot of them happen when the sun finally decides to shine long enough for the snow to melt and then the aftermath of twitterpatted debris are strewn across the freshly grown grass. Tiny tornadoes sprouting from the weeds and throwing their relationships all over the lawn. What a delight.
I'm concerned that Provo has made me too confused about what the truth is regarding relationships.